Friday, February 10, 2012


Well I'm not even supposed to be in this class anymore i don't know why, i was really starting to like it so i kinda sorta skipped my other class to be here and had fun but i am going to try and find that paper they gave me in the beginning that says i had this class so i can maybe stay here and not have to go to a random class where i don't know anyone.

Monday, February 6, 2012


so today i was on the ball i did alot of work even thou the sub didnt let me put music and the people in the back could but its all good well i did alot of work and got alot done i hope your proud of me!!!!:)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

today in class i slacked off a little but i got back on it after a while because for one the teacher is talking about a whole bunch of stuff i don't know about so i got distracted easily because i hadent even ever heard of half of the stuff she's talking about but I'm trying to keep up with her and everyone els but Mary has helped me with keeping up with the class and when i don't know something she helps me out so I'm trying.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


in class today we took a MYP tech Pre-Assesment and i think i got a 60% this was very disapointing to me because i was actually trying to get a ok or good grade on this test and i even copied Marry just kidding but i actually tried and thought i did pretty good i mean i didn't guess and answered the questions as best as i could well i think i could probably have done better but well have to see next time.